(lyrics by Cheryl Wheeler from her album "Circles and Arrows"
©1995, All Rights Reserved)
Estate sale - today from one o'clock to four
You go and get ready, I'll go start the car
Better to be early, then we'll be the first in line
You know how I love this, it's amazing what you'll
Going through dead people's houses
Wonderful things they have collected
Open the drawers and trunks and closets
Don't leave a corner uninspected
I'll head for the kitchen - you check out upstairs
Old postcard 'n' pens 'n' blue fiesta wear
Shaving mugs 'n' winged eyeglasses - giant plastic pins
Linen suits and flowered dresses - I'm so glad we got
They just don't make 'em like this
It's an incredible prize
We can hang it in the kitchen
She was just your size
It's a beautiful frame
And the picture's alright
Salt and pepper airplanes
And that deco light
Tonight we'll go home and sort through our array
We'll find the best spots to put things on display
You can't get this great stuff anymore, I don't know why
But I'll bet we'll make some young strangers
Happy when we die
Still more lyrics from the realm of the Dangerous Housewife . . .
Good Thing He Can't Read My Mind